Fix and Flip System – Turning Beginners into Masters
AvgTown Makes It Easy For Average People, to Achieve Their Goals in Fix and Flip Real Estate Opportunities. Our premium features include Financing, Rehab crew, Project Managers, and in-house banking to fund Projects. Providing a turn-key solution For Your goal
Create An Amazing Real Estate Portfolio In No Time, No Prior Experience is Needed
To take advantage of all of our website features please sign in/create an account to become a Flipper Today
An approved application unlocks endless possibilities Fix And Flip to build capital, fix and hold, commercial and More…
Structured Success Plan
Most beginner home flippers receive funding and don’t complete their project, this is the number one problem that causes flippers to fail. AvgTown structures these deals to turn your capital or credit into a fail-proof project to ensure (ROI) Return on investment. Capital, Credit line, and or Expense card.
- All inventory is located in the Metro Detroit Area
- Wholesale Building Supplies Sourced through AvgTown
- Contractors and in-house Technicians
FAQ Questions
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No Capital Needed
We Offer A Financing Plan To All of Our Customers